
Secrets of the best converting CTA’s…

Call-to-actions are buttons on a web-page that compel a user to take an action, for example: download, get X or buy X. Compared to the content of a web-page, a call-to-action (CTA) isn’t informative and doesn’t evoke emotion, however, it’s a final element to motivate an action from an audience. Content containing a CTA button converts 2.5% better than the one featuring pure text (taken from a study by Adroll on Facebook back in 2014).

A good CTA is one that encourages its audience to click, and with Google’s Campaign URL Builder, it’s easy to monitor and A/B test conversions. It’s important to A/B test buttons, especially those with a direct link to an aim or objective. For example, if an objective of the business is to share its product catalogue, the CTA linked to viewing/downloading the catalogue is incredibly important – and its styling is critical.

Simple tweaks to a CTA can return impressive results, especially when there’s evidence of traffic landing onsite but not converting. Here are 5 secrets for the best converting buttons…

1) The CTA must compliment the webpage, and be styled in-line with your corporate branding. Using a contrasting colour to the page background helps a CTA stand-out.Branded CTA

2) In one or two words, tell the user what will happen when the CTA is clicked.Download CTA

3) Create urgency, by adding phrases or adverbs highlighting the present time; ‘now’ or ‘don’t miss out’ work well.

4) Use subtle animation effects, like a color-change on hover, or a simple bounce to call out the CTA.Animated CTA

5) Be considerate of the CTA’s placement. Services may find a button in the nav to book an appointment or call will have good conversions, whereas a retailer will use CTA’s below its products to encourage a sale.
Navigation CTA

Are you using your CTA’s effectively?

At BIG EYE DEERS, we’re here to help with all things digital, including the user-experience (UX) of a website and best practices for successful conversions.

If you’re concerned your CTA’s aren’t generating the traffic they should be, or you feel like your website could be using CTA’s more effectively but would like a specialist opinion – we’re here to help. We can run a review of your website, offering you suggestions for improvements to your CTA’s. Or, take it a step further and let us A/B test the most appropriate CTA solution for your site over a short 6-week period.

Contact us.

By Gethin

Web Designer

15 / 12 / 2017


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