
A few months ago I posted a write up on 404 errors, and how if they’re done well, user engagement and retention are not doomed for failure. Well, I’m taking a slightly different tact in this post. 

At Big Eye Deers, it’s no secret that we’re a bit different from the more formal suity-type agency. We’re unique, off-the-wall characters you might say… I honestly think we’re bit mental sometimes, but being in an office 24/7 that doesn’t have windows can do you to I suppose!

Anyway, the Deers and I are after a 404 screen that reflects us, and our unusual take on all things deer related, and what’s funny (to us anyway)!

Why, I hear you ask?! Well, You see them all the time; click a link and bam; 404. It is like walking bang smack into a glass ruddy door – We think it that would be hilarious, so why not reflect that with a hilarious 404 page? Mission accepted.

Here’s a little collection of what we like:


Lionel Deer is a fictional character we dreamt up once upon a time. How fitting is this play on the Lionel name?!


Now this could work a treat, an Albino Deer! The content would be along the lines of ‘Well, you don’t see this everyday!’ Genius!


Deer in the headlights? I think this  would work too. ‘Woah, hit the breaks, you’ve taken a wrong turn!’


Bordering on the vulgar and distasteful, but still I’m going to go there quick, get outta here you hit the 404 deer!’ (No deers were harmed in the making of this page)



This is cute. Don’t try this at your local zoo though! ‘Oh No, 404! Don’t shed a tear, have beer’

By Steve

13 / 08 / 2014


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