
We’re different – bet you hear that phrase a lot. But, when it comes to Big Eye Deers and the way we work with clients, we really are.

“From start to finish, the communication from Steve and the team has been fantastic and their knowledge of the Magento 2 platform as well as general e-commerce principals has made the project smooth and enjoyable.” – Ian Lovett, Elesi Lighting CEO

An Extended Part of Your Team
There are plenty of website agencies out there who promise the world in terms of transparency and communication, but the reality is far below what is promised.  For the team here at Big Eye Deers we feel our approach with clients sets us apart.

Over the last 15 years we have refined our systems, where we have focused on enabling our clients to communicate directly with the correct team or person at Big Eye Deers, at the right time. Supporting clients to achieve the best possible outcome for their site whilst working together with us as an agency is our goal.

Think of us as an extended part of your team for the duration of your project.

Direct conversation with our Developers
We haven’t locked our developers up in a room somewhere and added in a middle man – or woman – who acts as carrier pigeon delivering tasks to the right member of the team.

We are client centric, we put our clients at the heart of what we do and have found, in our experience, that it makes for a better working relationship and ultimately a better outcome.

We have a very open and honest relationship with our developers. Invaluable tools for us include Teamwork and Whereby Video (really simple platform, no downloading or long meeting links). Teamwork is our chosen project management system, it enables our clients to have that direct interaction with the right person. We use Whereby for video chats where conversation/discussion is needed on a query, which can prevent any issues and clarify questions in real time.
During the life cycle of a project a client will speak directly with the developer working on their website, we find that going through account managers and passing on messages often can lose valuable time, can lead to confusion and sometimes mistakes.

The right person and the right time
As we said, Big Eye Deers works as an addition to your own team. In our experience the magic happens when we work together. 

Put simply, you speak directly to the team and not via an account manager. In the development phase you’re speaking to the developer, who’s conducting that section of work, at any point if you need to ask a question or get some clarification you can. Directly.

If our work with you is all about getting the design right then you’ll be directly in contact with Geth. He’ll work with you to get the exact look and feel you’re going for , if it is code/bug changes then our Ben is your guy. If you’re looking at launching a project and unsure of the best platform to use, Steve can give you the low down on Shopify, Magento, Aero or if a bespoke build is the best direction for you.

Communicating with the Big Eye Deers team

Integration is our best friend and our skilled developers have set up our internal processes to give clients full control. If you need to contact us, Teamwork allows clients to create tasks which will automatically feed into our developers’ trello boards with our weekly updates, clients can see which tasks are completed and which ones are still in progress. 

Collaborative working and direct contact music to your ears? Drop us an email, rather than a carrier pigeon and we’d love to chat.
Contact Us

By Ben

16 / 02 / 2022


Magento is the leading solution for eCommerce, and we’re specialists. Magento is easy-to-use, completely customisable and endlessly scalable.

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We offer custom web development services for any requirement. Manufacturing from scratch, we deliver a project entirely tailored to your needs.

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Working with brands nationally from our offices in Cardiff and Exeter, our tenacious team of designers and developers deliver sophisticated results every time.

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