
Social media can have a fantastic impact on the image of your company and helps you speak more directly to your customers. It is a fantastic platform to make your presence known!

Downside… it can be very time consuming to upkeep. You can’t let it slip either. A poorly updated feed will do more damage to your image than if you didn’t have a feed at all. You need to commit to reap the benefits but also plan effectively to ensure the time spent is worthwhile!

Setting Up

Plan your social media effectively and efficiently. Really hone in on your audience and the correct marketing messages to optimise the success of your social media posts. Know the goals you’re trying to achieve and go after them! Lead generation? Take advantage of Twitter cards and Facebook CTA buttons to push the contact forms.

Planning Ahead

You won’t have the flexibility in your schedule to be able to post exactly when you want and as much as you should be! Set aside an amount of time each week to create the content for your social media and schedule the posts in the necessary amount of time. You can also create a calendar to review the post types you want to be sharing and highlight any important dates.

Hootsuite can help out with this for multiple accounts across different social media channels. Tweetdeck is also a fantastic tool for organising your Tweets.

Creating Content

This is the most time consuming area. You need to create a voice for your brand and stick to it. Thinking of what to talk about can be tough too. You can share information about your company, images of products or in-house goings on, blogs on your site and also interesting posts from others in your industry (but not your direct competitors!).

Follow your Competitors

Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing as you can use their posts to mark what is and isn’t successful. It will help you create and inspire your own content too! On Twitter you can create lists of your competitors to get an automatic feed of their content. Make sure it is Private otherwise they will get a notification that you’re snooping about.

Track your Analytics

You will only be able to tell if it’s all worth your time if you measure success. Keep an eye on the built in analytics to see how your posts are going. You’ll have mountains of information to trawl through that will allow you to see the best performing post types and what times are best to aim for. Refine and try again!

By Steve

04 / 07 / 2016


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